Summer 2011

Cannon Beach, OR to Diamond Lake, OR

307 Miles/491 Km

30 June 2011

Route Map

Click on pinpoints for local information

Destination Map

Photographs and Commentary
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We left Cannon Beach relatively early and headed on US-26 back towards Portland. As soon as we started climbing the Coastal range the minimal peeks of the sun disappeared and we had periods of rain. The rain finally let up as we approached Beaverton where we took a shortcut that put us on I-5 south. The clouds thinned out some more and we had a good ride to Eugene where we picked up Oregon route 58. Route 58 follows the Willamette River Valley and then takes us up into the Cascades. Once we passed the Willamette Pass at a bit over 5,000 feet, the terrain drops down a bit and Route 58 ends in US-97 which took us south to within a few miles of Diamond Lake. Diamond Lake RV Park is located just north of the North entrance to Crater Lake National Park.

When we got to Diamond Lake the sun was out in full force... we have not seen much if it since we were in Portland. It is not as warm as we expected, but it was comfortable and no rain was in sight. Tomorrow, when we go into Crater Lake National Park, is supposed to be much warmer and we look forward to that. After lunch we drove around to look at the Diamond Lake Resort area, which is just north of the RV park. I suspect that most people who stay at the resort and the National Forest Service Campgrounds are here for the fishing. Diamond Lake is reputed to be a fisherman's heaven.

Mount Bailey over looking Diamond Lake. The mountain is an old volcanic cone as are many other mountains in this still geologically active area.

Mount Thielsen is also an old volcano. The top of the mountain is the remains of a volcanic plug. The softer material around it has eroded over time leaving the plug exposed,

One of the locals

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